
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." - John 13:35

At the heart of our spiritual journey is the essence of relationships. Jesus highlighted love, not our gifts, as the defining mark of His followers. For us, being spiritually mature means nurturing and valuing relationships, prioritizing the Fruits of the Spirit described in Galatians 5.

To foster community:

  • Small Groups: We believe that genuine relationships are cultivated in close-knit settings, where individuals can share, learn, and grow together.

  • Refreshment Sessions: Post our weekly services, we encourage fellowship over refreshments. It's a time to converse, connect, and deepen our bonds.

Our ultimate goal? To master the art of loving well.


"In humility value others above yourselves." - Philippians 2:3

Honor stands as a foundational value at Word of Grace. To honor is to see and respect the divine image in each person. Instead of shaping individuals into our mold, we aim to unveil and celebrate God's unique design in them. Every interaction, especially during conflicts, is approached with grace and reverence, prioritizing the God-given relationship over personal protection.


True freedom is allowing God's spirit to move unrestrained within and among us. At Word of Grace, we passionately advocate for this freedom:

  • Expressive Worship: We grant everyone the liberty to express their love for God in diverse and personal ways, fostering an environment of authenticity and growth.

  • Individuality: By valuing relationships and fostering freedom, we encourage members to evolve as distinct individuals, not mere replicas of others.

Yet, with freedom comes responsibility. Our freedom should never infringe upon another's well-being. The binding force in our community is honor, ensuring that our individual expressions always uplift and never harm.

Join us in our journey at Word of Grace Ministries, where love, honor, and freedom converge to shape a community reflecting the heart of Jesus.

[Footer with links to ministry activities, group details, social media handles, etc.]


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